Oar Product Review Analysis
When it comes to oar product reviews, there are some things to consider.
There are a fair amount of results when searching for oar product reviews, so competition might be stiff. On the other hand, it shows that it's a common topic, so if you get traction, maybe your effort will be worth it.
There are no big websites known for their product reviews with results in this oar category, which is a huge positive. And there are some medium-sized competitive websites, like heavy.com, that have some high-ranking results. And of course, there are some smaller or less competitive websites in this particular product reviews space, like cataractoars.com and westmarine.com.
The search results are fairly relevant, so you'll have to put together some solid oar content in order to compete.
Many of the results for this topic include keywords such as boat.
For research purposes, you can see what Amazon says are the best-reviewed oar products.
Searching for oar product reviews appears to be most popular in June and August. Meanwhile, this type of search is least popular in March and December.
Website/Domain | Title | Website Power | Relevance | Content Quality | Media | Overall |
shawandtenney.com | Selecting the Best Style of Oar for your Boat | Shaw and Tenney [link] | |||||
heavy.com | 11 Best Value Boat Oars: Compare & Save (2021) | Heavy.com [link] | |||||
raftingmag.com | The Gear Shed - Basic Oar Selection — Rafting Magazine [link] | |||||
twomonkeystravelgroup.com | Top 8 Dinghy Oars to Use for Sailing: Which Brand is the Best? [link] | |||||
survivaltechshop.com | The 5 Best Jon Boat Oars of 2021 - Survival Tech Shop [link] | |||||
sportsrec.com | The Best Oars for Rowing | SportsRec [link] | |||||
cataractoars.com | Cataract Oars | Best Drift Boat And Rafting Whitewater Oars [link] | |||||
cataractoars.com | Find The Best Oars For Your Drift Boat Or Raft | Cataract Oars [link] | |||||
westmarine.com | Selecting the Right Size Oars | West Marine [link] | |||||
bestconsumerreviews.com | 2021 Best Boat Oars Reviews - Top Rated Boat Oars [link] | |||||
nrs.com | Choosing Oar Length | NRS [link] | |||||
bcgavel.com | Drown Yourself in Love and Memories: Top 10 O.A.R. Songs | BANG. [link] | |||||
concept2.com | Which Oar Grip is Best (For Me)? | Concept2 [link] | |||||
thisismyjam.com | O.A.R.‘s Best Songs | This Is My Jam [link] | |||||
ifish.net | Selecting the best oar for a drift boat??? | IFish Fishing Forum [link] | |||||
singlequiver.com | How to choose you Paddle Board Oar | EnelPico best Surf Reviews [link] | |||||
nwrafting.com | Debating Oar Locks vs Pins and Clips | Northwest Rafting Company [link] | |||||
oarboard.com | How to Choose the Best Paddle Board for your Oar Board® Rower with Diana Lesieur – Oar Board SUP Rower [link] | |||||
mountainbuzz.com | oar lock difference? versus | Mountain Buzz [link] | |||||
amazon.com | Amazon Best Sellers: Best Kayak Paddles [link] |